Request Nudge to QA your code or installation


Before requesting support to QA your installation, please use the existing QA tools available inside your Campaign Management screen and our knowledge base. This should answer most questions you have.  

If you are unable to verify your installation or resolve your issue, request a QA following the details below. 
Cc: Anyone else who also needs to receive this information.
Subject line: Line Item or Campaign name: [From Nudge]
Body: [fill in as much as you can for a prompt response]
Pixel/Content ID: [For pixel based implementations]
Type of content: [article, video, native/ad unit]
Nudge Campaign URL: [copy/paste the URL from the campaign overview screen, should look like:]
Types of behavior to check: [impression, click, conversion]
Target Geography: [United States]
Device: [all, mobile, tablet, desktop]
WhatisMyBrowser URL: [View the ad/content unit, then visit and share the customized URL here]
  • Nudge QA will seek to verify the impression is tracking correctly. 
  • You will receive a response within 24-48 hours (on normal business days). You will receive a notification if there are any unexpected delays.
  • The response will confirm, with a confirmation of tracking for the supplied browser impression.



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