The importance of each metric
These metrics have a number of different uses, in comparing to other parts of the media mix to understanding content effectiveness and attribution.
This gives context to your campaigns so that you can say you reached X consumers. It also allows you to compare against other media sources to see which buys are bringing in the highest reach.
We measure this as it helps establish the conversion of a piece of content, if it has been properly targeted, crafted & understood there should be a baseline level of sharing. It also allows you to find out which social platforms are working the hardest for you and where to focus attention and budget.
Utilize our benchmarking to compare against other campaigns.
Earned Impressions
Without this metric you're unable to track how valuable your shares are. Earned impressions show how hard your engagement with the content is working and whether once shared people are coming back to the read the content that you’ve paid for. It also allows you to find trends in your data, for example Twitter might be driving sharing but not as much earned impressions as Facebook.
This is a great early indicator for how the content is performing and along with sharing and earned impressions, virality gives you a complete picture of how social sharing impacted your campaign.
This is a baseline metric for reviewing how your campaign has performed when reviewing against other campaigns, content inside social networks and the Nudge network.
Attention Minutes
This metric is important as some content is consumed but not shared, i.e. health topics, this helps give a balanced measure. Marketers need an objective way to compare the return on investment of different kinds of mediums, measuring active attention time is one way of doing that.
Nudge also allows you to compare different traffic sources, by understanding their post-click performance you can see where money is best spent. For example in a recent campaign Facebook was driving 1.5 attention minutes vs 0.7 on Twitter, this does vary campaign to campaign.
The purpose of this metric is to understand which devices the content is working best on, it can provide great insights for marketers.
This is important for deriving insights as to where content works well and provides validation that campaigns are getting the results where they need it.
Further if you have target geographic areas, your Nudge Account Manager can expose how much geographic reach you had, this can also be matched up against DMAs.
Time to scroll
You can determine if there’s a particularly sticky part of the content by evaluating this metric. Identify where people are spending the most time, where they’re skipping over content.
Where do people drop off
This is important as it helps you to determine if you need to change the order of content. For example on a campaign that included a video asset, people were dropping off before they reached the video, by moving it to the middle they decreased drop off.
Bounce Rate
It’s a great way to review your different media sources driving traffic to the content and to understand which platforms are working the hardest for you. For example, Facebook might be driving lots of visitors but they aren’t engaging with the content.
This is also useful in identifying potential fraudulent traffic to a campaign.