Create a new conversion goal

Creating a conversion goal can be done from the Campaign Edit screen. The easiest way to get to this is through the Edit button located on the right of each Campaign in your active campaigns list in the main dashboard menu.


  1. Under active campaigns, find the campaign you wish to add a new conversion to, and hit the Edit button.
  2. Select the tab labeled Manage Conversions
  3. Give your new conversion a name, eg Purchase Confirmation and click Create.


  4. You should now see your new conversion pixels listed below. There are two pixels listed here, a Tracking Pixel, and a Conversion Pixel.



Now that you’ve created a conversion pixel, you will need to install the pixels on your content. To implement the tracking and conversion pixels, follow these instructions.


If you cannot see the options to create conversion within your Nudge dashboard, please contact support or your account manager to request the feature. 

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