

Conversion redirects are useful for when you want to drop a pixel on a click, but do not have the ability to place code on the piece of content.


To view performance

You can then access the performance of these through the Conversions tab. 

To set these up

  • To create a click through conversion, you need to have created a conversion first.  
  • Then click on redirects tab, insert the destination url. 
  • Select the ‘Conversion’ you would like it to trigger and click Create.

Here's an example of creating a click to, triggering a 'ClickThrough' conversion.



If you would like to trigger multiple conversions at once, click edit beside any redirect below to update this. 



Track Conversion

Track impression should be used if you have no control over the first part of the users journey, but you do control the "destination". This should be used as the "entry point" into a conversion funnel.


Track Clicks

Track clicks should be used if you want to track a single "step". This will allow you to track how many users have clicked a link.


UTM & Additional Parameters

You can attach these to the shortened URL and Nudge will pass them through.


Our redirect is:

And we attached a Nudge Traffic Source Parameter to it:

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