How to set up tracking inside Floodlight

Floodlight can be used for Nudge tracking but can introduce some limitations. Floodlight can obfuscate referrer data and a view of the content. This can impact metrics collection in traffic sources and scroll.

How to set up the Floodlight tag


When Nudge JS is placed inside Floodlight what happens?

  • Nudge still detects traffic sources if using parameters
    • If no parameters, more traffic will be assigned to direct as referrer information is stripped out.
  • Avg Scroll, time to scroll and drop off is impacted.
  • Virality is impacted.


When Nudge Conversion Pixel is placed inside floodlight what happens?

  • Conversions will still track.
  • However, the top content and traffic sources will be subject to limitations from Floodlight. This may mean that Nudge cannot identify all of the content and/or sources.



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